24 March, 2009

Lorne Sausage and the Full Scottish Breakfast

Full Scottish Breakfast

"Gotta eat a breakfast...I'll fix ya some eggs."

Pure poetry. I love fixing breakfast, during the week it's a disperate but constant affair; Henry eats Cheerios, Bonne Femme and Emmet have granola and yogurt and I start the day with and an egg, toast and tomato. But on the weekend the guns come out: Cinnamon rolls, huevos rancheros, hash, stratas, benedicts of any type, just give me a reason.

Last week I made up a reason of sorts because of a comment left by Andrew* on the St, Paddy's Day Post. Yeah, I got all Bobby Flay on him because he was lamenting that he hadn't made the time to make Lorne sausage and potato scones. Zero hour has arrived buddy, time to unfurl your Saltire and get grinding.

Lorne sausage frozen for slicing

I had never heard of Lorne sausage, and I couldn't find any reference in my usual books, but on the internet, site after site lists it as an essential component of the Full Scottish Breakfast. The Lorne is described as a minced meat that's formed into a square loaf,sliced and fried. Apparently you can buy this in any store in Scotland, but here I have to make it up as I go along.

Universal #1 meat grinder

For mincing all you really need is a big sharp knife, but my mom found this grinder in my grandma's basement, and I figured why not go a little old school:

Mincing pork and beef for Lorne sausage

Lookin good.

As I far as I could determine the Lorne is spiced with pepper, coriander and nutmeg. Bonne Femme isn't crazy about nutmeg so I'll let the coriander take the star roll. I used oatmeal as the rusk.

Oh boy I'm getting hungry. I got a couple of Scottish cookbooks from the library. The Full Scottish Breakfast is coming into focus: Fried tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, potato scones, and bacon...oh no, I need to make some bacon...

Smoked rolled pork shoulder

Bonless pork shoulder was on sale for 89 cents a pound I couldn't pass it up. It's not what I really wanted but I cured it, like I would a ham, rolled it and smoked it (ja mon).

Pork shoulder bacon

It turned out ok, I'm interested in working on this bacon, I like the look of a wide streaky slice that I can get with pork shoulder, but I going to have to get a better roast. I'll report back soon.

Now back to the program.

Tattie scone on the griddle

I have my meats sorted out, how about that potato scone? As opposed to a crumbly biscuit block one might get at Stardunkin or DunkinBuck's, the Scottish Tattie is more of a griddle cake or even a tortilla. It's flat, round and cooked on a hot skillet. I used a recipe from the book, Classic Recipes from Scotland, by Tom Bridge, and his version he adds some cheddar. I made them as I would a corn tortilla, I portioned them then pressed them with a plate. Here's Bridge's ingredient list:

450g/1lb mashed potato, still hot
50g/2oz / 4T butter
100g/4oz A P flour
50g/2oz Cheddar cheese grated

combine ingredients, mix well. Divide into eight balls. Place a ball between pieces of plastic and flatten with a plate or pan. cook on hot oiled griddle.

Here's what I did for the Lorne Sausage

225g/8oz Beef chuck
225g/8oz Pork Shoulder
15g Salt
5g Black Pepper
5g Coriander
1g Mace (I like this instead of nutmeg, but use either)
2g Mustard seed (I like this as an emulsifier)
5g Milk powder (Helps retain moisture)
60g/2oz Rolled oats

I diced the meats, and processed the salt and spices in a spice mill then mixed them together along with the milk powder. The mixture rested in the fridge for an hour. I minced the mixture with a meat grinder fitted with a large die. I pulsed the oats in a cuisinart then folded them into the minced meat. I kneaded the mixutre adding a little cold water until it came together. I lined a small loaf pan plastic and pressed in the sausage. I let it sit in the freezer for an hour, then I took the mostly frozen loaf and cut 3/8 slices. Fried in pan.

Lorne on the Griddle

I got about 16 or so slices out of my loaf and I guess you just keep them in the freezer until you are ready to fry.

B. Femme's Lorne and Tattie sammie

Bonne Femme made a sammie with her Lorne, everybody loved their Full Scottish Breakast. Now if we only had a bit of Broon sauce.


(P.S. for those readers who know my Secret Code Name, please don't be confused, the Andrew referred to above writes the blog Slim Pickins'Pork. What a coincidence huh? Anyway, Andrew gets a few days grace since his weekend was booked with trip to Jungle Jim's, but it's never too late.)


  1. My Uncle in AK just sent the following cable:

    [Dear MAC]

    The grinder from the basement at 366 brought back some food memories. As I recall, it was only used to grind cranberries on T-Day and Xmas. What a sturdy-durable piece of equipment. (I had a pasta machine go wonk at a charity dinner party last Saturday; had to break-out a rolling pin; made me think of it.)

    Exciting time to be a vulcanologist in Anchorage.
    Take care

  2. Ye'll be sorry ye crossed swords with me, lad (said in full Scottish brouge, of course). I'm currently in communication with a retired scottish butcher about the process and am biding my time for the right moment to make my move.

    Oh, and I donny see any Irn Bru at the breakfast table, tsk tsk.

    Quick aside-last time we were in scotland, when I ordered fish and chips, the server asked if I wanted any brown sauce. I asked, "What's brown sauce?" She gave me a confused look and said, "well, it's brown sauce!" Stupid American!

  3. Very nicely done! I thought you had a lovely smoke colour on your bacon, and now I see why!

  4. Sorry gents but you don't have a scooby doo about the "real ingredients" to make genuine "lorne sausage". About 10 years ago some wee old lady ( computer literate ,no doubt) posted the ingredients online.
    It was given to her by a master butcher in fife. It was removed 2 weeks later and replaced by a note saying it was a trade secret. Well guess what ? I printed it off prior to it's removal and have been making the best "genuine" square slice in the USA ever since !. Jimmy.C SAN DIEGO

  5. Dear SoCal Jimmy:

    Thanks for checking in, but I stand by my recipe with the caveats I mentioned in the post, namely that I have never seen or eaten a Lorne sausage, and that the mixture I concocted was based on scholarly research. Never mind that I forgot to write down the sources.

    Andrew posted on his blog a very nice Lorne sausage recipe based on communications with his personal Scottish butcher. In case you missed it here's a link to his post: http://slimpickinspork.blogspot.com/2009/03/lorne-sausage-throwdown-or-battle-of.html

    Stating that you are in posession of a "secret recipe" does not support the contention that Andrew and I are "Scooby-Doo." Even if the recipe came from Robert the Bruce, you can't trump us with a redacted recipe. BTW, I checked w/WikiLeaks they have no knowledge of a secret Lorne sausage recipe.

    Just like Kenny Rogers, if you want to enter this donnybrook, you need to put your cards on the table.

    Post your sausage recipe, I'll send all three recipes to a couple of UK sausage experts, and try to get them comment on the merits of each.

    So is it on SoCal Jimmy? This meddling kid is ready to solve the Mystery of the Lorne sausage.


    P.S. All this chatter is making hungry, it may be time to put a full Scottish on the menu.
