The Accidental Foodie cooks from a book
Chicken Italian Sausage with parsley and cheese stuffed into ravioli
Peposo Notturno - Beef shanks braised in Chianti
Dear Gentle Readers:
Put on your foodie hat (chinstrap extra tight), we are diving into a book for this week's adventure. Don't run away, we aren't mushroom hunting with Tolstoy or soft boiling eggs like Toni Morrison, we are looking at Heat by Bill Buford. In this book the author goes on a culinary quest that begins in Mario Batali's restaurant, Babbo, and ends up in Italy to try to find answers to such questions like when did eggs first become an ingredient to for pasta. During his search, Buford learns about rustic Italian preparations, made in home kitchens for centuries, and how they have evolved into fancy pants plates in hipster restaurants. I like the rusty preparation part, but do I have to read aloud while stirring the polenta?
Bonne Femme at the whisk.
I resisted reading Heat, for a long time. The book, for me was like lentil soup: the thought of it didn't really appeal to me but but once I got into it I realized it was really good. You should be able to find this book at the library, it also just came out in paperback. Bonne Femme had the idea of cooking out of it and what she wanted to make just happened to coincide with what I was working on at school.
Peposo Notturno - Pepper by night

Please turn to page 274 in your books. The recipe is so simple that you just have to try it. Basically it is braising beef in wine for a really long time with only pepper salt and garlic added. The hard part is getting the meat. On Page 272 Buford goes in some detail off the knife skills used to attack the beef shank. Since I had carved one up in Kitchen class a few days earlier I was raring to go. I started out with one nine pound beef shank.

After a lot of cutting (I don't recommend this for people who are short on patience or sharp knives) I came away with three pounds of beef shank cubes. As for the other six pounds, I used the bone and trimmings to make a beef stock, and I got about 8 ounces of suet from rendering the fat. But first, I loaded up the dutch oven with the meat, poured in the Chianti a bunch of ground black pepper, a head of garlic, brought it to a boil then set it for stew (about 225F in the oven). Eight hours later you'll have shredded Italian beef. There are lots of little things you could do or add that would make this dish better, but then it wouldn't be Pepposo Notturno.
While that's cooking let's make some pasta.

Making pasta is not particularly hard to do, but describing the process is, so I'm not going to try. I don't make it very often and I always have to look for a recipe to get back on track. After reading
Heat I never have to look a recipe again. On page 183, Buford documents one person's pasta recipe: One etto, one egg. One egg For every hundred grams of flour. It works. For the ravioli I made, I used three etti and three eggs.

For the ravioli filling, I wanted to use the
Italian Cheese and Parsley sausage that has been so popular around here. This time I made it with chicken. Here's the portions I used:
512 g Chicken
100g Parmesan cheese
10 g salt
4 g white pepper
3 g coriander
10g fresh parsley
5 g dry milk
a little vinegar and water to smooth out the binding.
For the pasta
250 g AP flour
50 g Whole wheat flour
3 large eggs
Since I was making this up, it didn't occur to me that I might have to cook the meat mixture before stuffing the pasta. So I sauteed the forcemeat then I minced it in the Cuisinart.

The listed portions made about 40 to small raviolis which isn't much for a party of seven. But I made them as a garnish for
consommé. Why soup? I liked the idea of using one whole chicken to make the stock, the soup and the garnish.
Everybody had a good time at the party.

molding polenta

candid moments at the table
Peposo Notturno with polenta and spinaci alla romana
In a recent essay for class I wrote, "Fixing food should not get in the way of a good life, it should be a part of it." The instructor asked if that was original. At the time I didn't really think much about the line, I was just trying to close out an essay, however I did write it and I do believe it. Anyone can make good tasting food at home, and when you have fun making it, it tastes even better.
